Whole Home Complete Water System

Your Family's Water-Mineral Rich, Clean & Safe!
WaterGlen Whole Home SystemThe Hanish Water exclusive Pre-Filter reduces the particulates in water down to 0.01 microns before the water enters the BioGuard which protects your family from consuming heavy metals such as iron and manganese, hydrogen sulfide, nitrates, and hexavalent chromium which may be in the water.
The Hanish Water WaterGlen Whole House Physical Water Treatment System is the most advanced system utilizing NASA - derived technology. It's different because it physically treats water. That means it uses no electricity, moving parts or chemicals to treat the water in a more efficient and eco-friendly way. The WaterGlen 4-in-1 system has a small enough footprint that it can easily mount on the wall of your garage, basement, or the side of your home” in warmer areas of the country”.
The Hanish Water BioGuard Technology protects against bacteria, virus, cyst, agricultural runoff, pharmaceuticals, endotoxins, metals and DNA without using unreliable UV (which can miss particles as they pass through). Because the Pre-Filter reduces particulates down to 0.01 microns it allows the BioGuard to treat the water effectively and efficiently.
System contains 2 of the P9B Hollow fiber Carbon Filters
- Treats up to 400,000 @ 12 gpm
- High flow rates with minimal pressure drop
- High organic reduction
- High capacity sediment and dirt
- High capacity chlorine and chloramine reduction 5 times more than other carbon filters
- Reduction of unpleasant taste and odors
- Live cyst, micro-spheres, and turbidity reduction
- Ease of cartridge change with no tools
- Recyclable cartridges
- NSF approved
- Spin down flow
- Ten times the capacity and twice the flow rate of conventional carbon filters
The Hanish Water WaterGlen system treats water to .01 Microns, 30x better than other systems currently on the market. Each cartridge in the system helps the next perform more effectively and efficiently.